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I remember being 21 and fresh home from my service in the Marines. I was jumping from an unfulfilling job to an unfulfilling job, completely lost.

All I wanted was to take home $100,000 a year. I will never forget how underwhelming it was when I achieved it through growing my retail business. Then $200,000, then $400,000. Still the same feeling.

Before I knew it my business was running me vs me running my business. Before I snapped out of it I was 50 lbs overweight, irritable, unhappy and on SSRI's.

I was late to realize that money is very important as a tool but it is the least important thing in life.

We only have a certain amount of time in the day, and we tend to ignore other important parts of life in the pursuit of economic freedom. All those topics I cover in my Veteran centric mastermind The Warrior Council.